Token Publishing Ltd Apps

Coin Yearbook 2017 Free 1.2
We all use coins, many of us have coinsathome, sitting in jars or pots, some of us collect coins becauseoftheir designs but did you know some of those coins are worthfarmore than others and it isn’t only the age of the coin thatgivesit value. For example did you know that a particular modern20pcoin, that you could find in your change today, is worthnearly£50? Or that a 2p, that you could also find in your purse orpocketis worth £750? What about the Olympic 50 pences – did youknow oneof those is valued in the £100s? There’s also the humblepenny –find one dated 1932 in an antique shop and you can pick itup forjust a few pence, find one dated 1933, just one year later,andyou’d have to pay over £50,000.The secret to sorting the trash from the treasure is knowing whattolook out for and for years the COIN YEARBOOK has been helpingmetaldetectorists, coin collectors and dealers work out exactlywhattheir collections and finds are worth. With simple to usetablesshowing the values of coins in various grades the COINYEARBOOK hasbecome a firm favourite within the hobby, sellingthousands everyyear. And now the Token Publishing, who have beenin the coinbusiness for over 30 years and who publish not only theCOINYEARBOOK but the monthly magazine COIN NEWS too have put alloftheir expertise into producing the COIN YEARBOOK app. Who knows,youcould be sitting on a fortune – and if you are the app willshow youhow you can get at all that lovely money!The COIN YEARBOOK app covers all coins used in the BritishIsles,right back to Celtic times. So that includes RomanBronzes,Anglo-Saxon Pennies, Tudor Shillings, GeorgianSovereigns,Victorian Florins and on into the present day and thecoins in yourpocket right now – with coins of Ireland, Scotland,The ChannelIslands and the Isle of Man included too! The COINYEARBOOK itselfalso contains other things we just can’t fit intothe app – like aglossary of coin terms, edge inscriptions on coins,mints and mintmarks of the world, dealer directories, a sectionexplaining dateson coins as well as one telling you how to takecare of yourcoins.This free version of the app, showing values in one (low)gradeonly, will give you the basic information you need to workoutwhether your coin is a rarity or not – to get the true value ofthecoin upgrade to the ad free full version and find out exactlyhowmuch money you’re sitting on!